Sunday, November 28, 2010

Color Transforms

What is the first thought when people look this image? "No. Stop. Bad. Danger."
This symbol is universally known for these words.
As a result, the color red in this symbol became synonymous with those meanings and words.
There are different intensities of colors that can be used to express different emotions or symbols, and the bright humid hue of the color red on this stop sign gives the feeling of negativity.
In a previous post analyzing the color of a "angry" painting, a major color used to convey the emotion of anger is red. Although, the hue of red is a darker red compared to the red used in the stop sign.
According to Albers, It is "accepted in Western tradition that normally blue appears cool and that the adjacent group, yellow-orange-red, looks warm." (pg. 59)
This is true for traffic signs and stop signs. The red on a traffic light tells drivers to stop, and in addition, the stop sign with red signals a driver to stop. Fire on electric and gas stoves signal red when hot warning others not to touch it as it is danger, the red is the same hue and brightness as the stop sign.
As a result red in most objects, most obvious on a stop sign signals danger and stop to warn society from them.
Many different colors and intensities of a color can show different symbols and meanings to people. We associate the red in stop signs with the meanings and warnings that tell us danger is coming.

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