Monday, November 8, 2010

The Design of Technology

There was always that saying--what was it again? Oh yes, "Bigger is better".
Well it seems to me, that now a days, bigger is not always better. In fact, the design of technology is quite frankly, proving to be the exact opposite.
Why are smaller technological objects better? Well, there are several for that. Smaller creates better portability, does not use as much power, it often creates less heat and it there is just general efficiency.
Not only is smaller better, thinner is better for technological objects. Back in the day, computers were gigantic-
Computers use to take up the an entire room, but now portable net book computer laptops are thin and can be as small as 10 inches. In fact, computer functions now exists on cell phones which are TINY.

Although smaller objects seem like they cant hold as much, the fact is electronics are advancing so that more can be stored in less space which allows designers to create smaller designs that are even more powerful that their larger counter parts.
For example, cell phones use to be very big and blocky, and only has one function- which is to make and take phone calls. Modern cell phones are now much more compact in size, sleeker in design and may have several functions. Cells can not surf the internet, text, make video calls, send documents, or even play games.

Of course, there are still several ideas that utilize the idea of "bigger is better" If one has a 24 inch Flat screen T.V., a 72 inch T.V. sounds a whole lot better. Also, who doesn't want to live in a bigger house?

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